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8x8 LED Matrix Interfacing with Arduino

This will teach you how to control individual led in 8X8 LED MATRIX using Android App. Video Link   COMPONENTS REQUIRED 1. 8X8 LED MATRIX 2. Breadboard 3. Arduino Nano 4. Connecting Wires 5. Bluetooth HC-05  CONNECTION Connect as given in circuit Diagram ARDUINO Code  #include <Led.h> int DIN = 2; int CS =  3; int CLK = 4; int row=0; int col=0; int temp=0; int data=0; LedControl lc=LedControl(DIN,CLK,CS,1); void setup() {    lc.shutdown(0,false);       lc.setIntensity(0,5);  lc.clearDisplay(0);  Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() {    if(Serial.available() > 0)        {       data =;       Serial.print(data);// it returns ascii value if we send one in the phone                     if(data < 96)       {        if(temp==0)        {         row=data-48;         temp=1;        }        else        col=data-48;       }           else if(data=='n')        {          lc.setLed(0,row,col,true);        Serial.println('n')

Getting Started with Arduino

What is Arduino? Arduino is basically an open source electronics platform which is having easy to use hardware and software implementation. It’s a micro-controller interfaced with other vital components like programmer ICs, voltage regulator etc. With the help of this, we can interface various input (sensors) and output (LED's) components. Why Arduino? Arduino is not just a micro-controller it is also interfaced with several other components which make the job of the user very simple. Arduino Uno Pin-Out How Arduino works? An input of 5v is given to the board using a USB cable (not necessary) through a laptop or any other convenient power source. Microcontrollers are usually programmed through a programmer unless we have a firmware in our microcontroller that allows installing new firmware without any external programmer. This is bootloader. All the controllers present in UNO are from ATMEL Semiconductor (Now acquired by Microchip). We hav