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Arduino Based Piano Project

This video will illustrate to you how to make a simple piano by using IR Modules. Based on the frequency of sa, re, ga, ma, pa, dha, ni and sa the tone of the buzzer will change. Video Link Components Required: 1> I.R. Modules 2> Arduino Uno 3> Jumper Wires 4>Small Breadboard Circuit Diagram Arduino Code: int button_C = 2; int button_D = 3; int button_E = 4; int button_F = 5; int button_G = 6; int button_A = 7; int button_B = 8; int button_Cup = 9; int speaker = 10; int buttonstate_C = 0; int buttonstate_D = 0; int buttonstate_E = 0; int buttonstate_F = 0; int buttonstate_G = 0; int buttonstate_A = 0; int buttonstate_B = 0; int buttonstate_Cup = 0; //NOTES         'c'  , 'd',  'e',  'f',  'g', 'a',  'b',  'C' int tones[] = { 240, 254, 285, 320, 359, 280, 427, 956 }; //freq int Cur_tone = 0; void setup() {   pinMode(button_C, OUTPUT);   pinMode(button_D, INPUT);   pinMode(button_E, INP

Interfacing 7 Segment with ARM

Hey Folks, In this tutorial, we will learn how to interface a Seven Segment Display with ARM(FRDM-KL25Z). Components Required FRDM-KL25Z board Seven Segment Display (Common Cathode) Breadboard Mini Jumper Wires (As Required) FRDM-KL25Z         2. Seven Segment Display        3. Breadboard Mini         4. Jumper Wires (Male to Male)   Follow the Image below for circuit connection reference:-  (Interfacing all components) After making the circuit dump the code given below:- #include "mbed.h" BusOut display(PTA1,PTA2,PTD4,PTA12,PTA4,PTA5,PTC8,PTC9); int main() {          while (1) {                 display= 0xBF ;         wait( 1 );         display= 0x86 ;         wait( 1 );         display= 0xDB ;         wait( 1 );         display= 0xCF ;         wait( 1 );         display= 0xE6 ;         wait( 1 );         display= 0xED ;         wait( 1 );         display= 0xFD ;