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Showing posts with the label MATRIX

Servo Motor Interfacing with Arduino

In this tutorial, we will learn how to interface a servo motor using Arduino UNO. The motor inside the setup of a servo is attached by gears to the control wheel. When the motor rotates, the potentiometer’s resistance changes hence the control circuit can precisely regulate how much movement there is and in which direction. The motor’s speed is proportional to the difference between its actual position and desired position. When the shaft is near the desired position it turns slowly else fast. This is called proportional control. They are controlled by sending PWM (pulse width modulated) signals through the control wire. They are available in many sizes and are of three types Positional rotation  Continuous rotation  Linear The most common type is the positional rotational one. So now we are familiar with the motor let us interface it Components Required: Servo motor 1No Arduino UNO 1No Few connecting wires Breadboard Follow the video below for cir

4x4x4 Arduino LED Cube

Since now we all have worked a lot with led,s let us show you one of the projects made by us with the help of bulk of led,s. A led matrix cube Below is the video of our project. Working description: The above is made by combining led,s in a regular fashion in cubical shape. All types of patterns can be generated in the cube and also various shapes like square, triangle etc. Whatever pattern comes to your mind you can generate that by altering the code. Curious to learn what you saw. Thinking? Join our hands-on training courses. To know more visit us at